Tassie Rally  

Off we went to Wonderful Tassie 

To see the sights – it was FAN-tassie! 

Picturesque lakes, mountains and rivers abound 

Yummy wine, salmon, cheeses and chocolates truly did astound! 


But the best of all was the Rally to see our Highway Wanderer Friends 

Sit around, laugh, and with many stories to amend. 

We met new members with big buses and small 

And our old friends were reacquainted-one and all. 


Chris flew his model planes and Phil his kite 

While the girls sang to YMCA –Barryne on keyboard played with all her might! 

Maureen modeling the hats supplied by Norma were so cute 

While the bowls teams –quite a few winners they did shoot! 


We dressed up for the convict dance 

All looked great -???- all ready for a prance! 

Cheryl was the “tart” of the night 

While Helene, Barryne and Carol were - ?????-What a sight!? 

Steve was famous on TV 

But some of the bowls boys couldn’t even count to 3! 


Hans was in his parking jacket trying to do his best 

But somehow we weren’t allowed to park with the rest- 

Because CMCA thought we had Diptheria….. 

So they banished us off, way down to Siberia! 

Even so-much laughter and good times were had 

Games and jokes told with some good-and some bad. 


Unfortunately two very special friends were dearly missed 

They were unable to come-so we send them both a great big kiss xxxxx 

So till next time one and all, we bid you a fond farewell 

From Max and Carol-we wish you all to safe travel. 


Thanks for the fun-2010 

Copyright 2010 Carol D

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